Among the many UX research methods available to user researchers, the most important element is the user. Its needs and motivations are still at the center of the research process. In ux research, these methods are usually observed, task analyzed and other means of getting feedback. The purpose of quantitative research is to generate numerical data or data that can be transformed into useful statistics to quantify the problem.
A common data collection method involves online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys, and kiosk surveys, as well as longitudinal studies, web interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations. Analytical methods such as Google Analytics are also part of this form of user research. Data Studio, a powerful data visualization tool, as well as Google Optimize, a tool for analyzing and interpreting dynamic A/B testing, are all connected to Google Analytics to answer questions about your website’s visitors.
The qualitative insights gained from other methods of user experience research, such as focus groups and usability tests, should be balanced with quantitative insights from analytics platforms. Data analysis can reveal patterns that will help identify further assumptions to test. Qualitative user research is a process of observing behavior rather than assuming anything about it. It is all about understanding how people feel, what they believe, and how they behave.
Contextual observation can be used along with ethnographic study, interviews, field studies, and moderated usability testing. Anthropology is the closest thing to design research in traditional science-how to make usable products requires a comprehensive understanding of human behavior. However, you will be limited in what type of user research you can or should conduct based on the kind of site, system, or app you are developing, and your timeline.